
We have come a long way since the inception of the internet. It has been almost two decades since its inception, and we have witnessed several phases of the web until now. Web1, also known as the Internet, was the first phase of the web. It allowed us to access information in a much faster way than ever before. It gave us the freedom to share our thoughts and ideas with each other all over the world. Web2 is also known as the user-generated web and central authority. It was an innovation that changed everything we knew about the internet. With social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we can easily share our thoughts and opinions with one another, even if we are not physically present with each other. Web3 is a blockchain-based web that is expected to change the way we interact with each other online.

Note: It's crucial to distinguish between Web3 and Web 3.0. Web 3.0, often referred to as the Semantic Web, is an evolution of the World Wide Web guided by standards from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Its primary objective is to make internet data comprehensible to machines.

What is Web1: Definition

The Internet, also known as Web1, was the first phase of the web. Web1 gave us an opportunity to get information way faster. Users also could share their impressions and exchange ideas with other people in different locations.

WEB 1 illustration

But it was not all sunshine and roses: Web1 had some issues that needed to be addressed if it was going to continue growing as quickly as it was doing. One of those issues was security — people were sharing online data that they didn't want other people to see, so they did what any reasonable person would do. They tried to keep their personal information safe by hiding it behind passwords or requiring an email address before allowing someone access to their information (which meant that there were many websites that required users to sign up before they could use them).

Another issue with Web1 was how slow it was — not everyone had access to high-speed internet connections yet, so loading websites took forever. And even when you had a fast connection at home, you still had trouble accessing certain pages because they had been blocked by your employer or school's firewall (or maybe even your government).

What is Web2: Definition

Web2 describes the current state of the internet, which has more user generated content and usability for end-users compared to its earlier incarnation, Web1. Web2 has allowed for the creation of applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, and Wikipedia.

Web2 websites allow users to create content using a wide range of different tools such as blogs, social media profiles, etc. This means that users are able to update their own sites without having to go through an intermediary like a webmaster or web designer.

This new ability for users to create content has led to much greater levels of interactivity between people on various websites - many sites now feature forums where you can post comments about topics that interest you or chat with other members about issues that concern them.

WEB2 illustration

Web2 Benefits

Web2 has many advantages over traditional learning methods. Web2 allows learners to access data at any time and from anywhere, which is particularly useful for those working on the go or who travel frequently. Social bookmarking can be used for this purpose.

Web2 also provides users with a wide range of sources, allowing them to find exactly what they need quickly and easily. This is particularly useful for those who are looking for specific information but do not know where to start their search.

Users can also actively be involved in knowledge building through Web2 tools, which means that they learn more effectively than if they were simply told the information by someone else.

By creating dynamic learning communities, learners can collaborate on projects and share ideas with each other in real-time discussions on forums or blogs; this makes learning more fun and engaging for everyone involved.

Finally, Web2 offers immediate updates when new information becomes available — this ensures that users always have access to the latest information without having to wait for it firsthand from an instructor or professor (who may not yet have been informed themselves).

Web2 Limitations

Web2 has a lot to offer, but it also comes with some disadvantages. Here are some of the most common ones.

  • Sometimes, Web2 search results are different from what you are looking for.
  • Not always, but Web2 can take a long time to present search results.
  • Web2 often returns bad translations of its results.
  • There is always a chance that you'll receive wrong information from Web2 searches.
  • You cannot connect with people without their website or email address.
  • There is always a risk of fraud, spamming, and virus attacks when using Web2 sites or applications.

Examples of Web2

Web2 is a term that describes how the world wide web has evolved to be more interactive, collaborative, and participatory. Web2 is characterized by its users' ability to contribute content and interact with other users in real-time through social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. It also includes Google Maps, Youtube, Google Docs, podcasting, social media, blogging, wikis, and RSS feeds.

WEB2 examples
Web2 apps

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What is Web3: Definition

The next generation of the web is here, and it is called Web3. It took its first step with dynamic apps and interactive services, but it's only just beginning to show what it can do.

Web3 has been named the "read-write-execute" web or the "executable" web because it will allow us to not only read information but also write and execute it. This means that instead of having a static website that we can only read, we'll have a site that can be programmed to do things like calculate math problems or show us images based on keywords.

It's also been named Semantic Web because this new way of coding allows machines to process content like humans would, which means they will be able to grasp core concepts and context as well as entire data sets both conceptually and contextually — and that leads directly into artificial intelligence and machine learning. Moreover, data is no longer owned but shared instead. Web3 is a concept where data can be shared and accessed from anywhere.

WEB3 illustration

Web3 Benefits

Web3 is the next step in the evolution of the world wide web, and it will change everything. It's more than just a new way to browse the internet — it's a method to interact with the world around you. It is a space where people have more control over their data and privacy, have access to information on demand, and can personalize their online browsing experience like never before or get unique web addresses. What does this mean for you? It means that you are going to be able to access your favorite content faster than ever before. You will also get a decentralized network that no company can control, which means you'll have a lot more financial freedom over your data and how it is used. Get ready to feel more secure as you will not be tracked or targeted by bots or phishing scams as easily as in Web2.

Web3 Limitations

As Web3 continues to grow, there are some potential downside effects of the new internet protocol. Web3 is decentralized and as such, it is difficult to regulate or manage. This could lead to the rise of online abuse and cybercrime. Less-advanced gadgets will be of no use in terms of internet access. Furthermore, Web3 is difficult for newbies to grasp and understand. Finally, it is easy for users to get information relevant to someone’s private life and public life in an effortless manner. The main disadvantage of Web3 is that it is not yet fully formed and it may never be. A lot of the features that Web3 promises are still in their infancy, so there's no guarantee that they'll ever be fully realized on a large scale.

Examples of Web3

Web3 is the next evolution of the internet, which we are witnessing now. Examples of Web3 include decentralized protocol like Bitcoin and social networks. We also can talk about decentralized exchange trading markets like Augur, social platforms, and blogging like Steemit working on blockchain, a trading floor to buy and sell NFTs OpenSea, and decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges like Uniswap.

WEB3 examples
Web3 products

Web2 vs Web3: Practical Comparison

Web2 Web3
The goal is to develop community and user interaction. The goal is to empower the user and bring decentralization and semantic learning.
Twitter has full access to the tweets, it decides whether to keep or delete posts. No censorship is required in Web3, therefore no one can delete tweets.
Within gig-economy apps servers sometimes get out of work, which directly affects their income. Web3 servers work on Ethereum. It is a decentralized blockchain platform.
Web2 uses HTML5, CSS3, JS, and AJAX. Web3 utilizes artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decentralized networks.
There could be some obstacles to processing payments for some types of work. Web3 payment services do not request personal data, therefore you will not face payment problems.
Web2 has web apps. Web3 apps take the best from artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The data ownership is centralized and managed by the network. The data belongs to its owners.
Web2 was developed in response to the lack of user experience, and it focused on making websites easier to navigate by adding features such as hypertext links, graphics, and video clips. Web3 is still being developed today, but its goal is to make websites even more immersive by incorporating virtual reality technology into them.
Web2 is the current version of the web. Web3 is a new version of the internet that is being developed by many different companies across the globe.

Web2 vs Web3 – Decentralization

Decentralization is the main principle of Web3. For instance, if you want to post something on Facebook or Twitter, you are sending your information through centralized servers owned by those companies. This gives them complete control over what you can post and where it gets posted — you have to go through them if you want to share anything with anyone else on their platforms.

Centralization Decentralization
One mistake or single point failure can affect the whole system. If one part of the system goes down or gets hacked, it does not affect the entire system..
Centralized counterparts rely on trust relationships between individuals who are often compromised by external factors such as bribery or blackmail. Decentralized platforms are more secure because they rely on cryptography.
Central authority has all the controlling power and can censor data. Decentralized platforms can be more efficient because they do not require any middlemen to operate them; instead, they operate in a peer to peer network where each user contributes computational resources to maintain the work while also benefiting from its services at no cost (except for their own electricity costs).
Data can be exploited by corporations that sell information to advertisers and other third parties. Users can be paid directly for their data.

Web2 vs Web3 – Trustless and Permissionless

Web3 applications run on a decentralized peer to peer network. This means that users can interact without requiring permission from a trusted intermediary or governing body, which is a core value of Web3. It facilitates the exchange of data and value between participants. The technology behind Web3 is open-source and can be extended by anyone to create new apps, platforms, and protocols.

Web2 vs Web3 – Greater Connectivity

Web3 has a profound impact on the IoT and blockchain industries. By connecting devices, dApps, and users through a series of APIs, Web3 allows these systems to communicate with each other. This enables new products and services that could not have been possible with previous paradigms. To be exact we can expect a growing number of dApps that are accessed through many connected devices in every industry across many different fields.

Web2 vs Web3: Application Architecture

The second generation of web app architectures was introduced in 2005 with the rise of social networking sites and other apps that allowed internet users to create content, like blogs and wikis. Web2 allowed more dynamic web apps by bringing back-end and front-end together. This made it possible for users to create content on their own without having to refresh the entire page or wait for data from a server. With this introduction, modern web browsers became more interactive with more strength to write and save information. So, we were capable of publishing content on the web. Every tweet led to the creation of a web page.

Web3 is an advanced form of the internet in which a person can access content without having to download it first. Web3 has also made it possible to share information easily, and it has made sharing content easier than ever before. The next generation of the internet is also known as the semantic web, which means that it can be used by machines to understand data better and process it more efficiently. The information on the Internet will become more intelligent, and people will be able to interact with websites in new ways. When people use web apps, they will be able to access information about products and services in real time. They can also get recommendations about what products or services might interest them based on their preferences and use of digital assets.

What are the Features of Web2?

Web2 is about user generated content, where users can interact with each other through sharing and remixing media, as well as collaborating on content creation and curation. Web2 enables the creation of online communities which are dynamic, participatory, and collaborative.


Folksonomy is a process in which users create tags that represent the content of a website. By creating content tags, web users can group and classify content in ways that make sense to them, but may not follow the current framework of classification. This allows for more nuanced ways of understanding and interacting with information.

Rich User Experience

Web2 is characterized by the use of web technologies, such as HTML5 and Ajax, that make websites dynamic and interactive. Thus, dynamic video can be inserted directly into HTML code.

Long Tail

Long Tail is a form of business model where only a small number of products are sold but with high-profit margins. In other words, this is a business model that focuses on selling unique or one-of-a-kind products to customers who are willing to pay high prices for these products.

User Participation

User participation is a critical component of the web phase, and it's also known as crowd-sourcing. In this phase, the user takes part in content sourcing — a process by which companies use the collective intelligence of their users to identify and source ideas for new products and services.


The content can be delivered in different formats. The content delivery network utilizes various channels, including permalinks and file sharing.

Permalinks are links that guarantee content can be accessed at any time without need to be downloaded again. These links are particularly useful for long-form written articles, which can be shared across social media platforms.

File sharing is a method of distributing content that involves uploading files to a website or other online platform, where they can then be downloaded by users.

Basic Trust

The basic principle of trust is that users can share, edit, distribute and reuse information. These principles are at the heart of the Web2 concept.

What are the Features of Web3?

Now we will move to the features characterizing Web3.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a lot of potential for Web3, and it’s something that the industry should be excited about. For example, in Web3, blending AI with natural language processing (NLP), computers can understand details like humans do to offer more relevant and faster outcomes.


The internet is undergoing a new phase of connectivity, and it is all thanks to semantic metadata. The result is an enhanced user experience that takes advantage of the full potential of the available information.

Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a vision for the future of the web, where information is represented in a way that machines can read and process. It is built on the idea that content should be organized in such a way that it can be understood by both human beings and computers.


The internet is everywhere. Content, services and the web connect people everywhere and all the time. Ubiquity refers to mobile internet access too.

3D Graphics

You will see 3D designs more often. From eCommerce websites that allow you to visualize your purchases, to computer games that let you build and explore new worlds, to geospatial contexts like museum guides that let you explore the history of the world around you, 3D design is becoming more prevalent with each passing day.

What is the Future of Web3?

It is hard to deny that there are problems with Web2, but the solution does not lie in abandoning the internet altogether. Rather, we can embrace elements of Web3 that make for a better internet mainstream adoption and pushback against those who want to keep things as they are. This will allow us to have our cake and eat it too: improve the internet while still using some familiar tools like browsers and websites. The Web3 vs Web2 debate has been going on for a while now, with both sides arguing their case. But the reality is that both Web2 and Web3 have a role to play in the future. Web3 is the future, and it is coming whether the internet giants like it or not. From cryptocurrencies to decentralized finance applications and smart contracts on a blockchain, the future isn't controlled by one tech giant or government; it's controlled by everyone.


The internet has evolved through various stages. From the early days of web 1.0 and 2.0, we now have the latest version known as Web3. The difference between these three versions is that each one has its pros and cons.

Web2 and Web3 are two different versions of the internet. Web2 refers to the version of the internet that is dominated by central authority and companies that monetize personal data. They offer services in exchange for user data, and they often use that data to sell products or create better advertising strategies. Web3 is a decentralized structure of the internet that runs on blockchain technology. It allows anyone to participate without monetizing their personal data ownership and enables them to be more in control of how their information is used.

WEB1, WEB2, WEB3 comparison
Web1 to Web3 evolution


Can Web3 completely replace web2?

Web3 can replace Web2, but it won't happen overnight. The Web2 vs Web3 debate has been going on for years now, and the differences in approach have created a lot of confusion about what exactly Web3 will be like.

Is Web3 more secure than web2?

Web3 is a decentralized system of applications, protocols, and standards that uses cryptography to provide a secure, trustless network for peer-to-peer exchange. Hashing is the process of encrypting data using a unique, fixed-length code.

What is Web3 used for?

The goal of Web3 is to give power back to the people and away from a central authority and big corporations. To achieve this, it makes use of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to create a form of data ownership.

Is Web3 and Web3 same?

No, they are not the same. Web3 is a term that refers to the decentralized web, while Web3 refers to the next-generation internet that's enabled by blockchain technology. The problem is that these two terms became interchangeable.