Basic terms

An Invoice is a key part of Calypso Pay processing, serving as the primary means for merchants to collect payments from their customers. Invoice - a cryptocurrency bill for services rendered.

Limited invoice

An invoice issued to a counterparty with a fixed amount. Such an invoice can be replenished only once.

Unlimited invoice

An invoice issued to a counterparty with an open amount. This type of invoice allows multiple top-ups with a single asset.

How to create

You can create an invoice either from the dedicated tab in the interface (Invoices) or through the API. Overall, the process looks like this: issue the invoice, send it to the client, and wait for the funds to be replenished.

Go to Asset > Top-up and choose "Get funds from a customer" option, then press "Continue".

Limited invoice

Fill in the fields, choose the asset you want to receive.

Specify the invoice description to identify it among others.

Unlimited invoice

On the initial step choose the "Without amount" option.

Specify the invoice description to identify it among others.

Use cases

For Limited invoice

Fixed Amount for Merchant Top-Up

  • Mechanism: Merchants have preset amounts for top-ups.
  • Example: 50/100/150/500/1000 USDT, 0.001/0.004/0.01/0.04/0.1/1 BTC.
  • Billing system processes correctly when the client sends the agreed-upon sum.
  • Upon client payment, the corresponding invoice in Calypso Pay is automatically closed.
  • Typically operates through API.
  • Dashboard tracking for monitoring top-up statuses.

Service Fee Agreed in Contract

  • Scenario: Merchant agreed on a fixed sum for services rendered, e.g., 8363 USDT.
  • Merchant issues an invoice, and upon receiving the agreed-upon amount, the invoice is closed.

For Unlimited invoice

Unlimited Invoice, in other words, can be referred to as a personal account or a checking account.

  • Clients of the merchant can top up any amount.
  • No limitations set by the merchant for client top-ups.
  • Accept as much as is deposited.
  • Works on a principle similar to mobile phone balance top-up and bank transfers via phone number.
  • Operates without predefined amounts, allowing clients to deposit varying sums.
  • Requires specific integration on the merchant's side.

Difference between Limited and Unlimited Invoices

Limited Invoice

  • Limited by a fixed amount
  • Can be set for a specific duration, automatically closing afterward
  • Can be issued in any supported Calypso Pay currency
  • Sender pays the fee
  • Tailored for specific use cases

Unlimited Invoice

  • Not limited by any specific amount
  • Can remain open until manually closed by the merchant
  • Can be issued in any supported Calypso Pay currency
  • Sender pays the fee
  • More versatile in application

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